Angelique Mol
Mind Evolution Alignment

Master your Mindset to Attract, Create, and Manifest your Desires by Aligning your Vibrational Energy of Thoughts, Words, Emotions, and Feelings with the High Vibrational Energy Frequency of your Higher Self. Understand and Utilize your Emotions and Feelings as a Guidance System for Alignment with the Law of Attraction and the Science of Deliberate Creation.

This 12-week Coaching Programme is designed for Individuals who like to learn How to Align Mindset and Vibrational Energy Frequency to be able to Attract, Create, and Manifest all Desires.

This programme includes Weekly Zoom coaching calls on an agreed set date and time, and assignments to work on between the weekly calls.

When you are Ready to take your Life to the next level, to Create Total Abundance, Prosperity, and Health, then this Programme can help you achieve that.
What subjects will we work on together?

The following outline is which subjects will be covered 
over the course of 12 weeks:

Week 1: Introduction to Mind Evolution Mastery

  • Focus: Understanding the foundations
  • Activities:
    • Welcome and program overview
    • Introduction to the Law of Attraction and the Science of Deliberate Creation
    • Basics of Vibrational Energy and its impact on Manifestation
    • Initial Self-assessment: Current Mindset, Emotional state, and Vibrational Frequency

Week 2: The Power of Thoughts

  • Focus: Shaping your Mindset through Conscious Thinking
  • Activities:
    • Deep dive into the Power of Thoughts and their Vibrational Energy
    • Techniques for creating Positive and Empowering thoughts
    • Daily thought Awareness practice
    • Thought Journal Initiation

Week 3: Conscious Words and Affirmations

  • Focus: Aligning Words with your Desires
  • Activities:
    • Understanding the Vibrational Impact of Words
    • Crafting Powerful Affirmations
    • Using Affirmations to shift Vibrational Frequency
    • Practice session: Creating personalized Affirmations

Week 4: Emotions as a Guidance System

  • Focus: Interpreting Emotions to indicate Vibrational Alignment
  • Activities:
    • Exploration of Emotions and their role in Manifestation
    • Emotional scale: Identifying where you Are and where you want to Be
    • Techniques for Emotional Regulation and Alignment
    • Emotional tracking Exercises

Week 5: Cultivating Positive Emotions

  • Focus: Enhancing High-Vibrational Emotional states
  • Activities:
    • Practices to evoke and sustain Positive emotions
    • Visualisation and Emotional rehearsal
    • Meditation and Mindfulness for Emotional Balance
    • Weekly Reflection on Emotional Progress

Week 6: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

  • Focus: Identifying and Transforming Limiting Beliefs
  • Activities:
    • Recognizing and Understanding Limiting Beliefs
    • Techniques to Reframe and Replace Limiting Beliefs
    • Guided exercises for Belief Transformation
    • Integrating new, Empowering Beliefs

Week 7: Aligning with Your Higher Self

  • Focus: Connecting with your Higher Self for Guidance
  • Activities:
    • Understanding the concept of the Higher Self
    • Techniques for Connecting with your Higher Self
    • Intuitive practices for receiving Higher Guidance
    • Daily Alignment Exercises

Week 8: Visualisation and Creative Imagination

  • Focus: Utilising the Power of Imagination for Manifestation
  • Activities:
    • Visualization Techniques for Manifesting Desires
    • Creating a Vision Board or Digital Visualisation Tool
    • Guided Visualisation sessions
    • Integrating Visualisation into Daily Practice

Week 9: Action and Inspired Action

  • Focus: Moving from Intention to Action
  • Activities:
    • Difference between Action and Inspired Action
    • Identifying and taking Inspired Action Steps
    • Action plan development for Manifesting Desires
    • Weekly Action Reflection and Adjustment

Week 10: Gratitude and Appreciation

  • Focus: Leveraging Gratitude to Elevate Vibration
  • Activities:
    • The Vibrational Power of Gratitude
    • Daily Gratitude Practice Development
    • Techniques for deepening Feelings of Appreciation
    • Gratitude Journaling

Week 11: Maintaining High Vibration

  • Focus: Sustaining a High Vibrational state
  • Activities:
    • Practices for maintaining High Vibrational Energy
    • Identifying and overcoming Vibrational dips
    • Developing a Personalised High-Vibration toolkit
    • Consistency and Commitment Strategies

Week 12: Integration and Moving Forward

  • Focus: Synthesizing and Planning for the Future
  • Activities:
    • Review and Reflection on the 12-week Journey
    • Integrating all Practices into Daily Life
    • Creating a Long-term Mindset Mastery Plan
    • Final Assessment and Celebration of Progress
Outcome: By the end of the 12-week program, you will have Mastered the tools and techniques to Align your Thoughts, Words, Emotions, and Actions with the High Vibrational Frequency of your Higher Self, enabling you to Attract, Create, and Manifest your Desires effectively.

Extras / Bonus with Programme

  • 3 more FREE Coaching calls after completion of the Programme.

  • Unlimited emails / messages for questions and guidance during the Programme.

  • Affordable Payment Plans available

  • Instant access as a VIP Member of our MindEvolution Platform

For more information you can schedule a FREE, No-Obligation, Discovery Call below:

Information courtesy of Angelique Mol