Angelique Mol
Mindset and Business Success Mastery

Unstuck and Elevate your Holistic or Wellness Business 
to Renewed and Higher levels of Success in only 12 Weeks!

This 12-week Coaching Programme is designed by Angelique Mol, Mindset Mastery and Business Coach, to help Holistic and Wellness Business owners to (re)build, grow, or expand their Practice or Business.

This programme includes weekly Zoom coaching calls on an agreed set date and time, and assignments to work on between the weekly calls.

When your are Ready to take your Practice or Business to the next level, or want to bring Renewed energy into it, then this Programme can help you achieve that.

This program has a Unique focus on the Holistic integration of Mindset and Business Strategies, providing tools for Sustainable Growth and Lifestyle Alignment.

Mindset is the Foundation of All that Is™
A Unique Blend of Mindset and Business Success Mastery like no other programme out there.

This brief outline contains the subjects that will be covered over the course of 12 weeks. An extended outline will be shared on a no-obligation introduction call.

Week 1: Clarity and Vision

    •   Mindset Focus: Crafting a Success-Oriented Mindset

    •    Business Strategy: Defining Your Ideal Client

Week 2: Goal Setting and Alignment
    •   Mindset Focus: Aligning Business Goals with Personal Values
    •    Business Strategy: SMART Goals for Business Growth

Week 3: Time Management Mastery
    •   Mindset Focus: Shifting from Hustle to Flow
    •    Business Strategy: Productivity Hacks & Time Management Systems

Week 4: Magnetic Marketing Mindset
    •   Mindset Focus: Confidence in Self-Promotion
    •    Business Strategy: Authentic Marketing

Week 5: Client Attraction System
    •   Mindset Focus: Developing an Abundance Mindset
    •    Business Strategy: Creating a Client Journey

Week 6: Profitable Offer Creation
    •   Mindset Focus: Valuing Your Work

    •    Business Strategy: Crafting Irresistible Offers

Week 7: Sales Confidence 
    •   Mindset Focus: Reframing Sales as Service
    •    Business Strategy: Closing More Sales

Week 8: Automation with Systems
    •   Mindset Focus: Embracing Automation & Delegation
    •    Business Strategy: Systemizing Your Business for Growth

Week 9: Building a Brand that Resonates

    •   Mindset Focus: Confidence in Your Brand Identity
    •    Business Strategy: Branding for Attracting Ideal Clients

Week 10: Content Creation for Connection
    •  Mindset Focus: Overcoming Visibility Blocks
    •    Business Strategy: Developing a Content Strategy

Week 11: Financial Abundance Mastery

    •  Mindset Focus: Abundance vs. Scarcity in Money
    •    Business Strategy: Profitability & Cash Flow Systems

Week 12: Review, Reflect, and Plan Forward

    •  Mindset Focus: Celebrating Success & Moving Forward
    •    Business Strategy: Strategic Planning for the Next 6-12 Months

This program focuses on the Holistic integration of Mindset and Business Strategies, providing tools for Sustainable Growth and Lifestyle Alignment.

Extras / Bonus with Programme

  • 3 more FREE Coaching calls after completion of the Programme.

  • Unlimited emails / messages for questions and guidance during the Programme.

  • Affordable Payment Plans available; 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months.

  • Instant access as a Member of our Mind Evolution Mastery Platform

For more information you can schedule a FREE, No-Obligation, Discovery Call below:

Information courtesy of Angelique Mol