Your level of Vibrational Energy Frequency within your Self, and what you put into your Practice or Business is crucial for the Success of it. 

High Vibrational Energy Frequency with Aligned positive thoughts and words attracts the Energies of Abundance and Prosperity. 

When you are on a Low Vibrational Energy Frequency, have similar Aligned low energy thoughts, and speak negative words you'll will attract more of that in the same way.

So when your Practice or Business is not running well, then first start with making an assessment on your own Vibrational Energy. 

What is your thought process, are you still feeling motivated and excited about your business, what is lacking in your business right now, do you still have that fire within your Self to do the work to make it successful (again)? 

There are many factors in our daily life that can pull our Vibrational Energy down, but you always have the choice whether to give in to that or turn it around. And it's not that hard to do either, once you know how. 

Angelique ღ 

Ps, I work on Mindset and Vibrational Energy a lot with my Clients who struggle with their Practice or Business. When You recognise yourself in this and like to learn more about what it can do for You and your Business, then let's talk. Simply reach out 😉 

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